


The purpose of this section is to provide information about the main employment policies related to 教师, 包括休假和教职人员的任命. Some of the policies can be found through the University’s Human Resources office at (http://www.主要Research.edu/hr/),并可适用于所有教员类型.  其他信息可能是针对UNH终身教职教师的, 扩展能力, 讲师教员, 或者研究人员.  Please consult Section 2 of this guide for information about policies and 程序 that apply to specific 教师 types.


教师 workloads are determined by the University and shall take into account the 教师 member’s type of appointment (see Section 3.7(教员聘任类型).  终身教职教师的工作量应包括教学, 奖学金包括创意和/或专业活动, 和服务.  作业由系主任下达, subject to the approval of the dean of the appropriate school or college. A description of tenure track 教师 workload can be found in the UNH AAUP Collective Bargaining Agreement at http://www.usnh.edu/policy/bot/v-personnel-policies/d-employee-and-labor-relations.  Lecturer workloads include primarily teaching and clinical 教师 workloads include clinically oriented teaching and working with 学生 in clinical settings.  A description of 讲师教员 workload can be found in the UNH Lecturers United- AAUP Collective Bargaining Agreement at http://www.usnh.edu/policy/bot/v-personnel-policies/d-employee-and-labor-relations. 研究 教师 workloads are focused on research and graduate education, but may include service and teaching through negotiation with unit heads, 部门的椅子, 或院长.


The 好处 pack年龄 is an integral part of an employee’s total 补偿. 这些都是终身教职和终身教职的好处, 以及有关USNH核心福利(医疗)的信息, 牙科, 生活, 以及长期伤残保险, and retirement plan options) are available for review in Section 17.UNH aup集体谈判协议第2条 http://www.usnh.edu/policy/bot/v-personnel-policies/d-employee-and-labor-relations 或在 http://www.主要Research.edu/hr/benefits.  For information about the 好处 for non-tenure track 教师, please see http://www.主要Research.edu/hr/benefits.


UNH’s Human Resources Department maintains a current listing of childcare services and facilities in the region at http://www.主要Research.edu/hr/childcare-info-resources


For information on 教师 salaries including 补偿 and adjustments made for 教师 required to work on a holiday or in the event of curtailed operations, 见《澳门葡京网赌游戏》(http://www.usnh.edu/policy/bot/v-personnel-policies/d-employee-and-labor-relations)和USNH政策手册(网址为 http://www.usnh.edu/policy/usy/v-personnel-policies/f-compensation.

3.6 .平等就业机会、多元化和包容性

UNH is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and encour年龄s a culturally diverse educational and professional environment.  The university seeks excellence through diversity among its administrators, 教师, 工作人员, 和学生. 这所大学禁止种族歧视, color, 宗教, 性, 年龄, 国家的起源, 性取向, 性别认同或表达, 残疾, 资深地位, 或者婚姻状况. Application by members of all underrepresented groups to open employment positions is encour年龄d. 这项政策适用于教员, 工作人员, 学生, 游客, 申请人, 和承包商以符合适用联邦法律的方式, 国家法律, 规定, 条例, 命令和规则, 及大学的政策, 程序, 和流程. It addresses all terms and conditions of employment in addition to student 生活, 校园支持服务和/或学术环境.

大学系统的平等就业机会政策, Diversity and Inclusion is located in Article 2 of the Online Policy Manual at the following link: http://www.usnh.edu/policy/usy/v-personnel-policies/c-employment.  The 教师 Senate’s Diversity Statement is shown on the 教师 Development and Inclusive Excellence Web site at http://www.主要Research.edu/inclusive/our-community/Faculty-statement-diversity. UNH Cooperative Extension maintains its commitment to providing a fair and safe workplace for all employees and to conducting programs that are open to all people of New Hampshire. All UNH Cooperative Extension materials include affirmative action statements, 如本网站所述: http://extension.主要Research.edu/resources.


有各种各样的教师任命类型, and appointment lengths can range from a course-by-course or other specific basis (e.g., 兼职或访问教员)为全职教员,为期9个月, 学年合同或12个月合同, 财政年度合同. The mission of some full-time 教师 is entirely focused on teaching (i.e.,讲师,教师)或研究(i.e., research 教师), while others’ primary responsibilities lie in community or clinical settings (i.e.(拓展学院、临床学院).  Other full-time 教师 carry a three-part mission of teaching, research, 和服务 (i.e.(终身教职教师).  Titles and full descriptions of UNH’s approved 教师 appointment types are listed at http://www.主要Research.edu/provost/教师-appointments


USNH政策手册在 http://www.usnh.edu/policy/usa/v-personnel-policiesA部分.4 contains information on eligibility and provisions for various types of paid and unpaid leaves, 包括丧亲假, 家庭病假, 陪审义务和证人休假, 以及长期伤残假.  Each leave description specifies whether a particular leave applies to both 教师 and 工作人员 or to 工作人员 only (e.g., accumulated vacation and sick time apply to 工作人员 and not to 教师).  终身教职员工的产假/陪产假(见第3节).10 below) is covered by the UNH AAUP Collective Bargaining Agreement (see http://www.usnh.edu/policy/bot/v-personnel-policies/d-employee-and-labor-relations).


教员可以申请一个 自愿的 partial leave of absence without pay due to medical or other personal reasons for absences covering a period of time in excess of one pay period and normally not extending beyond a year. 教员可能会被安排到 非自愿的 leave without pay by her/his department or institution under certain circumstances such as when there are changes in financial conditions or programmatic needs or pending the resolution of a criminal charge.  More information about partial 自愿的 and 非自愿的 leaves from the institution or department can be found in the USNH Policy Manual at http://www.usnh.edu/policy/usy/v-personnel-policies/c-employment#16.       



Information about maternity/paternity leave 好处 can be found here: 工作之余的时间 .


Military leave policy follows federal 规定 in the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA), which define 好处 and rights of employees when they serve or have served in the Uniformed Services.  The USNH Policy Manual describes policies regarding extended active service, 好处延续, 挣来的时间和假期, 恢复条件, 复职教师/工作人员的薪金率, 好处, 服役造成的残疾, 临时现役, 补偿, 异常, 以及USERRA未涵盖的内容(参见 http://www.usnh.edu/policy/usy/v-personnel-policies/c-employment#17C部分.17. 


UNH believes that a flexible work environment yields beneficial work and health–related outcomes for both the employer and employee. The University is therefore committed to workplace policies and programs that promote workplace flexibility, 身心健康, 并支持我们员工的多样化需求.  Human Resources maintains current information on university and community services available to facilitate employee work/生活 balance at http://www.主要Research.edu/hr/worklife-balance
